Might and magic 6 trainer locations
Might and magic 6 trainer locations

  • You can reduce training costs by 75% or more by creating a spell or enchantment of Fortify Skill Mercantile 100 for 2-3 seconds, then casting it and immediately talking to the trainer.
  • For instance, casting a +100 Unarmored spell on any trainer will turn them into a master-level trainer in Unarmored for the duration of the spell. Use this to make them train different skills and/or train to higher levels.
  • If a Fortify Skill effect is cast on a trainer and makes that skill one of their three highest, it becomes one of the skills in which the trainer will offer training.
  • You can make use of hostile trainers by using the Calm Humanoid effect on them (it only needs to last long enough to initiate the training, and will need to be re-used to train again even immediately afterward).
  • Training takes 2 game hours per skill level trained.
  • If you want to barter with a trainer after paying them for training to get your training money back, you must open their barter window first before training, otherwise your training money will not be added to their available cash.
  • Raise a trainer's Disposition toward you to 100 to lower training costs.
  • However, the value of the attribute includes Fortify potions and spells, so you can simply Fortify your strength temporarily to raise the limit to which you can train. For example, if both your Long Blade and Strength are at 50, then you will be unable to train Long Blade.

    might and magic 6 trainer locations

  • You cannot train a skill higher than its governing attribute.
  • The trainer that trains the furthest is going to be the most expensive, so you might want to go to minor ones first. The trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100. The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training.

    might and magic 6 trainer locations might and magic 6 trainer locations

    Armorer, Athletics, Axe, Block, Blunt Weapon, Heavy Armor, Long Blade, Medium Armor, SpearĪcrobatics, Hand-to-hand, Light Armor, Marksman, Mercantile, Security, Short Blade, Sneak, SpeechcraftĪlchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchant, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration, Unarmored

    Might and magic 6 trainer locations